oh, i'm still in love with you! and my headache keeps
on really is got me in a crazy spin! darling, darling, is this the end?
still in love with you, they say time has a way of healing, dries all the tears from your eyes,
darling is this this empty feeling that my heart can't disguise!
after all that we've been through i drown my best but it's no use!
i guess i just keep loving, is this the end? still in love with you! still in love with you!
now it's all over, boy there's something i think you should know! baby, baby,
think it over, just one more time before you go! call on me,
baby if there's anything i can do for you! please, call on me, baby help me see this through!
still in love with you! still in love with you! still in love with you!
Uma simples letra pode dizer muito.
ResponderEliminarMais uma boa música escolhida por quem a publicou.
PS:Incorpora aqui os vídeos para se ir ouvindo e lendo simultaneamente :)
RESPOSTA AO P.S.-já fiz isso no outro, é para não ficar sempre igual. E aqui a intenção era mesmo só estar a letra. A música é apenas o sítio de onde veio o texto!
ResponderEliminarEsta letra vale e diz muito!